Welcome to Center Ring Media

Center Ring Media builds content designed to get people to act.

Great brands are about stories, not products. Great brands don’t sell. They talk about what their customers want and how they want their customers to feel. Coke is about family and community. Chevrolet is about patriotism. Budweiser is about friendship.

The advertising environment is different today than it used to be. If you wanted to reach an audience, once upon a time, you’d have to go through a third-party that had already collected an audience that might be interested in your product. Often, that third party was a newspaper or magazine, and you’d buy an ad and never really know if it worked.

Today, smart businesses aggregate their own audience and talk to it directly. The content is designed to attract people who would undoubtedly be interested in their product, and results can be tracked. It’s called “content marketing,” and it works.

For our e-mail and newsletter products, that means engaging an interested audience by compiling and uncovering critical information. Our readers and partners benefit because we continually measure the effectiveness of our content and adjust it to maximize its impact.

We help you think about your customers and what they want to know. Then we build, create and manage content that’s not about your product, but around your product.

If you’ve got a restaurant, that could be content about food, about the chef, about the cuisine, about healthy eating (or not), about travel (especially if the restaurant is ethnic), maybe about your neighborhood. If you’ve got a hardware store, it might be how-to articles and short videos, planting season advice, roundups of neat gadgets, or recommendations for tools.

If you put on an annual conference, we can build products that keep you engaged with your sponsors and attendees all year long — not just when it’s time to register.

It doesn’t stop there. Not only do we build the content itself, we help get it found, we establish metrics to gauge success, and we track to those metrics.

The team at Center Ring Media has been working in special-interest content for more than 30 years. We can help tell your story in ways that will keep your existing customers, attract new ones, and feed your bottom line.

Stop selling. Tell your story. Let’s talk.