Aside from our content marketing work, Center Ring Media publishes a series of newsletters and associated email digests that focus on the mobile applications of technology. All emails and articles are optimized for reading on the go.
Wearable Tech Insider covers the technology, markets, and applications of wearable tech. To be sure you don’t miss a thing, subscribe to the free weekly email digest.
Health Tech Insider is about what happens when hyper-mobile and wearable technology intersect with the world of health and wellness. It’s not the fitness tracker; it’s what can be done with the data, from processing your personal analytics to sending your doctor the data so she can act on it with you. It’s how wearable tech changes the health and wellness ecosystem and turns people into active participants in their health. Subscribe to its free weekly email digest.
Senior Tech Insider is about using technology to help the aging live longer, more rewarding, and more independent lives. With Boomers aging into long, active retirements, technology will be increasingly important to them, helping them stay active and on their own. More than that, Senior Tech Insider tracks how technology helps those who care for seniors, frequently at a distance, keeping them informed and involved about their loved ones lives in ways that support the desire for independence. Subscribe to its free weekly email digest.